Text, image, dingbats and decorative elements

Dingbats and decorative elements as elements of the typographic case. Function and types of dingbats and decorative elements. Double function: characters or image. Letters as images or characters. Relations.

Design and morphological operations with typography

Typeface family as a system. Aspects to be considered when designing a related group of characters: choosing the historical and cultural context, structural relations, stroke and terminal features. character weight and word color, distinctive characters and terminals. Axes for the construction of styles.

Typographic Programs

System of systems. Typographic programs, serial families and super families. Construction criteria. Uses. Description of some programs.

Typographic styles

Functions and convention in the use of styles. Traditional axes. Recognizing designed variants and the effects of digital distortion. Small capitals: character weight and line color.

Latin alphabet proportions

Production technology and its influence on shapes. Trajan capitals and their establishment as a model. Basic structures and common width groups. Groups by morphological relation. Historical and contemporary widths.

Typographic classification

Classification as a tool for analysis and study. Classification criteria. Different classifications. Stylistic characteristics, important contributors and families in each historical period.

Character map

Character map of a typeface. Location in the operating system and in desktop publishing software.

Typography and desktop publishing

Text composition: manual, mechanical and digital. How to obtain the printing surface. Aspects to consider in desktop-publishing typesetting. Fonts. Characteristics of different formats and their implications in visualization and printing. Font installation.