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Character map

Elaboración: Pablo Cosgaya
  Artículo en proceso de traducción

Apart from knowing spelling and grammar rules, as designers we must be capable of correctly reproducing a message by means of typographic elements. Knowing the location of characters in our keyboard will help with this task.

Each box identifies a character. The upper part shows the combination of keys needed for it to be typed in Mac and the lower one for it to be typed in Windows. Those systems and programs that support OpenType typographies have a window that shows the possible options for each character.

It is worth mentioning that these signs may be typed as long as they are included in the family. A good quality digitalization family must have the full map of characters (256 characters), per each variable. It will be convenient to choose the typeface family to be used based on the requirements of the piece to be composed, verifying that the font to use includes all the characters I need.

Mapa de caracteres

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